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Hi! I'm Nicola


recovering high-achiever, firm optimist & your catalyst for growth.


​I'm a Mindset Expert & Performance Coach, helping people unlock latent potential, accelerate success on their terms and start creating meaningful change.


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"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
Walter Bagehot


​​How did I get here?


In 2019 my life fit the stereotype for an average 20-something-yr old, living in London.

Corporate job, mediocre salary, happy relationship and a busy social life. 

But I was going through the motions...


Same route to work, chasing the next promotion, being ruled by "shoulds" & placing fulfilment on a point somewhere in the future. ​I was successful on paper, but unfulfilled. I consistently hit my targets at work, but satisfaction was missing. ​


It was a Tuesday morning, early 2020, and my team were in full on panic stations. We'd been told a client campaign was going to be launching one day late due to a supplier f*ck up and it was as if we'd been told the company was shutting down. It was that moment I knew my priorities needed shifting. That I thought "What am I doing this for!?"


I was no longer willing to live my life on auto-pilot. To chase after society's definition of success. Or sacrifice my own fulfilment to fit in. I could no longer ignore the fact I was operating severely under my potential. 


Realising that SO many high-achieving women shared my experience, my purpose became clear. I retained as a Transformational Life Coach [ACCP Accredited] and took a bold leap towards creating a totally new path. I faced a lot of fear - fear of judgement from friends, fear of failure, fear of no longer being "successful"...but because I was so committed to creating change, I embraced the fear & lent into it.​​​


Since March 2020, I've worked with +200 women - founders, managers & C-suites - as well as +40 global tech firms, nation-wide banks, fashion houses and world-leading health organisations with an over-arching focus of unlocking latent potential, to start creating meaningful change, greater impact, higher standards & new norms.

 As of 2023, women account for 41.9% of the workforce worldwide, while only 32.2% are in senior leadership positions. Yet, research shows that companies with women in leadership perform 10X better than those with fewer females at the organisation’s helm. 

The problem? Around 76% of high-performing women receive negative feedback compared to only 2% of high-performing men.


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This is why we need to make moves. To start creating change. To empower more individuals with a mindset that's going to create significant impact, for the better. Whether you're a success-driven individual looking for side-by-side support and mapping out a clear pathway for growth, or a forward-thinking organisation wanting collaboration from an expert, I'd love to help. â€‹


Are you ready to become a change-maker? 


Lets talk. 


No one wants an average life, yet so many “successful” people have settled for one - it's time to change that.​

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